GCOM Responsibilities

World Service
Special Gifts

> Design for World Service
   Special Gifts and
   application form
> Description of Designated    Projects, 2001 - 2004
World Service
Contingency Fund
> Design for World Service    Contingency Fund
> Description of Grants,
   2001 - 2004
Special Sunday
> Special Sundays
   approved by the 2000
   General Conference
> Observance Dates,
   2001 - 2004
Special Sundays Legislation to 2004 General Conference
Reports and Legislation to the 2004 General Conference
Proposed World Service Allocations 2005-2008

Special Sunday Observances
Approved by the 2000 General Conferences

The 2000 General Conference considered several petitions dealing with Special Sunday observances. The General Conference changed the name of Native American Awareness Sunday to Native American Ministry Sunday and retained the 6 Special Sundays with Churchwide offering as listed in the 1996 Book of Discipline with only the one name change. Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday was added to the Special Sundays without Churchwide Offering, to make a total of three Sundays. The 4 Special Sundays with Opportunities for Annual Conference Offerings were also reaffirmed. The following is a list of approved Special Sundays.

Special Sundays With Churchwide Offerings

Human Relations Day
Shall be observed with an offering, preferably on the Sunday before the observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.
Offering receipts will be allocated and administered as follows:

  57% for Community Developers Program
(administered by GBG)
  33% for United Methodist Voluntary Services Program
(administered by GBCS)
  10% for Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program
(administered by GBCS)

One Great Hour of Sharing
Shall be observed preferably on the Fourth Sunday in Lent.
Offering receipts are for the United Methodist Committee on Relief.

Native American Ministry Sunday
Shall be observed preferably on the Third Sunday of Easter.
Offering receipts:
•   50% retained in the annual conference for developing and strengthening Native American ministries
•   25% to provide scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist attending United Methodist schools of theology and school approved
•   25% to expand the number of target cities in the Native American Urban Initiative

Peace with Justice Sunday
Shall be observed preferably on the Second Sunday after Pentecost.
Offering receipts:
•   50% retained in the annual conference for Peace with Justice ministries
•   50% for Peace with Justice ministries administered by the General Board of Church and Society

World Communion Sunday
Shall be observed preferably on the first Sunday of October.
Offering receipts:
•   50% for Crusade Scholarships (administered by the General Board of Global Ministries)
•   35% for Ethnic Scholarship Program (administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry)
•   15% for Ethnic In-Service Training Program (administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry)

United Methodist Student Day
Shall be observed preferably on the last Sunday in November.
Offering receipts for support of the United Methodist scholarships and the United Methodist Student Loan Fund, administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Special Sundays Without Churchwide Offerings

Heritage Sunday
Shall be observed on April 23, the day in 1968 when The United Methodist Church was created by the union of The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church, or the Sunday following that date.

Laity Sunday
Shall be observed annually, preferably on the third Sunday in October. It calls the Church to celebrate the ministry of all lay Christians, as their lives are empowered for ministry by the Holiday Spirit.

Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday (New observance)
Shall be observed annually, preferably on the second Sunday in November. It is viewed as a time to come together around the issue of life and Thanksgiving.

Special Sundays With Opportunities for Annual Conference Offerings

Christian Education Sunday
Shall be observed on a date determined by the annual conference. It calls the Church as the people of God to be open to growth and learning as disciples of Jesus Christ. An offering may be received for the work of Christian education within the annual conference.

Golden Cross Sunday
Shall be observed annually on a date determined by the annual conference. An offering may be received for the work of health and welfare ministries in the annual conference.

Rural Life Sunday
Shall be observed on a date determined by the annual conference. It calls the Church to celebrate the rural heritage of The United Methodist Church, to recognize the ongoing crisis occurring in rural areas of the nation and world today, and to affirm the interdependence of rural and urban communities. An offering may be received for the purpose of strengthening the nurture, outreach, and/or witness of congregations in town and rural areas.

Disability Awareness Sunday
Shall be observed annually on a date determined by the annual conference. It calls the Church to celebrate the gifts and graces of persons with disabilities and calls for the Church and society to full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community. An offering may be received to promote the work of creating architectural and attitudinal accessibility in local churches.