World Service Contingency
Fund Grants
2001 - 2004
The World Service Contingency Fund is established
to enable the general agencies of The United Methodist
Church to respond to unanticipated program assignments
from the most recent General Conference which
are not in the regular program/budget and/or to
emerging opportunities for new programmatic forms
of ministry and mission. Funds grants may not
be used for general administrative costs, fixed
charges, or capital outlay without approval by
the General Council on Finance and Administration.
(The Book of Discipline, 2000, ¶ 906.2e)
Approved Projects
Feasibility of Young Adult Ministries Organization
General Board of Discipleship
Grant of $101,02
Young Adult Ministry Study Project will focus
on dialogues with a spectrum of young adults on
relevant life and faith issues, research on effective
young adult ministry approaches, and an assessment
of the need for a self-determining body within
the United Methodist Church that focuses on relevant
issues and faith formation of young adults. The
project is in response to the approval of Calendar
Item 425 by the 2000 General Conference.
Science and Theology Task Force
General Board of Discipleship
Grant of $116,400
This task force is in response to a 2000 General
Conference referral to establish a task force to
study the relationship between theology and science.
Recent advancements in the areas of science and
technology have raised serious questions with profound
ethnical and theological implications. The General
Board of Discipleship will convene a task force
with varied expertise in the areas of Christian
theology and biblical scholarship, scientific research,
technological studies, ethics, and other appropriate
disciplines. Additionally, there have been some
conversations between the General Board of Discipleship
and General Board of Church and Society for this
task force to work in cooperation with the Church
and Society Bio-Ethics Task Force.
Event and Forum for Annual Conference Response Teams
in the area of Healing following Clergy or Ministerial
Misconduct of a Sexual Nature
General Commission on Status and Role of Women
Grant of $39,250
General Commission on Status and Role of Women and
the Rocky Mountain Annual Conference will jointly
sponsor a training venture to enable annual conferences
to develop response teams to address prevention,
intervention and transformation related to those
affected by incidents of misconduct of a sexual
nature; the victim/survivor(s) and family; the alleged
perpetrator and family; the church or the people
in ministry settings who are tangentially affected;
and other in the faith community. A holistic and
inter-disciplinary approach to intervention and
healing has proven to be very effective in helping
persons move toward healing.
General Commission on United Methodist Men
Grant of $30,000
Quest is a new and different approach to men in
a small group format and is designed around the
model developed by Dr. Leonard Sweet in his book,
Post-Modern Pilgrims. The program's vision is
to promote the challenge of personal accountable
discipleship for every man in the church with
one partner. It is intentional, proactive outreach
of every United Methodist man to connect with
one man who is younger, or of a different ethnic
or cultural background.
on Homosexuality and the Unity of the Church
General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious
Grant of $195,950
The 2000 General Conference requested that the General
Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious
Concerns sponsor a series of dialogues during the
2001-2004 quadrennium on issues related to homosexuality
and the unity of the church (Book of Resolutions
Number 29). The Commission envisions developing
resources through a series of four dialogues. These
dialogues will seek to provide open, grace-filled
spaces for persons with contending viewpoints to
learn to know each other authentically, to explore
their divergent understandings through prayerful
and civil dialogue, and whenever possible, to experience
healing and reconciliation. Persons of diverse experiences,
backgrounds, and views will be invited to explore
underlying issues (e.g. Scripture and the nature
of the Church). The resources will be designed for
local congregations as well as conference use.
of Repentance for Racism
General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious
Grant of $120,000
The General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious
Concerns is seeking to make real and visible the
commitments made by the United Methodist Church
(UMC) in the Acts of Repentance liturgy at the 2000
General Conference. The needs have expanded in recognition
of the divisions in both the UMC and pan-Methodism
because of racism (historical and contemporary)
perpetrated against African-Americans. The project
involves consultations in conjunction with Black
Methodists for Church Renewal and the General Commission
on Religion and Race, coordination and the development
of numerous resources for congregations and conferences.
See Book of Resolutions number 149.
Pastors’ Salary Support for Eastern
General Board of Global Ministries
Grant of $250,000
tremendous church growth in eastern and central
Europe requires more pastors to care
for growing congregations. Dire economic conditions
make it difficult for these congregations to
fully support their pastors’ salaries.
The actual need for pastors’ salaries supplement
is approximately $320,000 per year. In the past
this need was covered in a joint venture by the
Fund of Mission in Europe, the Central Conference,
and the General Board of Global Ministries. European
congregations and conferences have stepped up
their giving to assist these expanding ministries,
however the need far exceeds their ability to
meet the demand.
approving the request the General Council on
Ministries viewed this request as a unique
opportunity for the total church to respond generously
with excitement and enthusiasm. It would require
putting aside other worthy requests in order
to support 150 pastors for whom the church has
responsibility. A core value of our faith affirms
that we care for the total body of Christ. “If
one member suffers, all suffer together with
it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together
with it.” (I Corinthians 12:26)