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Faith and Order
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Faith and Order Committee

The proposal to establish a Faith and Order Commission (or Committee) was referred by the 2000 General Conference to the General Council on Ministries for further study. The Faith and Order Committee was established within the Council structure to provide the vehicle in which this study will be conducted. The text of the calendar item is printed below.

Calendar Item #1545-427 from the 2000 General Conference

The rationale behind the establishment of this Commission is the need of our church "to strengthen our ability for dialogue and doctrinal discernment…a group to help lead the church and its doctrinal dialogue so that, to quote the words of the Discipline…'It will assist the Council [of Bishops] in finding ways of fostering doctrinal reflection and theological dialogue at all levels of The United Methodist Church, thereby helping the church recover and update our distinctive doctrinal heritage, and thereby enabling doctrinal reinvigoration for the sake of authentic renewal, fruitful evangelism, ecumenical dialogue and social witness.' "