The 2003 event was held on August 24-29, 2003
at Lake Junaluska Assembly. Seventy district
superintendents and eleven directors of connectional
ministries attended. The event was led by 45
faculty members including GCOM members: Austin
Frederick, Alfred Gwinn, Marilynn Huntington,
Bishop Alfred Johnson, Marcus Matthews, and Jane
Allen Middleton, and GCOM staff: Daniel K. Church,
Velva Hardaway, Don Hayashi, Cecelia Long, and
Benoni Silva-Netto.
Plenary Session topics included Engaging Conflict
Well, Intercultural Understandings, and New Possibilities
for Ministry. Open Space Technology was used
to utilize the gifts and knowledge of participants
to explore seven topics of interest to the new
superintendents and directors. A Mission and
Ministry Fair, including participation of all
the program-related general agencies, was held
to acquaint participants to the many resources
available to assist them in their ministries.
The Director of Connectional Ministries Workshop
was planned and led by Marilynn Huntington, Mac
Brantley, Sharon Brown Christopher, Austin Frederick,
Tom Salsgiver, and Cecelia Long. The workshop
sessions focused on the five transformational
directions: Centering on Christian Formation,
Calling Forth Covenant Leadership, Empowering
the Connection for Ministry, Strengthening Our
Global Connection and Ecumenical Relationships,
and Encouraging Doctrinal and Theological Discourse.
The District Superintendent Workshops focused
on the disciplinary responsibilities of the superintendents:
Supervision, Personnel, Administration, Leadership,
and Legal Concerns.