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What In the World Are We Talking About?
An Invitation to a Conversation

What is a Forum on the Future?
A Forum on the Future is an attempt to involve as many participants as possible in conversation about the future of the United Methodist Church, the church of Jesus Christ and the world in which we find ourselves.
Where will these conversations take place?
These conversations will occur online with simultaneous participation by participants in a variety of locations, both individually and in groups. Ideally, a group of individuals from a church, a district, an annual conference, a seminary, or a general agency will gather around a computer and listen via the Internet to the conversation and respond by e-mailing, calling, or faxing in their questions.
When will these conversations take place?
The Forums on the Futures are planned to be two events, one broadcast from the Nashville, Tennessee on February 26, 2003 and the other broadcast from Manila, Philippines on March 26, 2003. Presenters on the forums will be inclusive and diverse. The list of presenters is currently being finalized and names will be released in the near future.
How will these conversations take place?
The format for the events will be to have a moderator who will ask questions, communicate email real-time questions from online participants and help presenters in sharpening their responses. In addition to the moderator, up to 5 presenters will participate in each forum giving their thoughts and insight on the general issue/question supplied for that particular forum. Presenters will not be arguing opposing points or set in debate posture. Rather, this is a dialogue setting for expression of many points of view and an opportunity for honest question and answer between the presenters and online participants. The presenters will be asked “in relation to the general topic, from your area of expertise and experience, what do you think needs to be said about that topic?”
Who will participate in these conversations?
Initially, presenters will be from both religious and secular arenas and will have approximately 10 minutes each to express their particular thoughts and understandings.

After the presenters have made their initial statements, a program of interaction with online participants and telephone calls will follow under the direction of the moderator.

In addition, the presenters will dialogue between themselves as the conversation grows. The moderator will encourage exchange of ideas and keep the program on track.
Why are these conversations taking place?
The Forums on the Future are being developed as part of the General Council on Ministries (GCOM) response to the General Conference mandate assigned to them in relation to using the five transformational directions which were developed by the Connectional Process Team last quadrennium. The planning for the Forums on the Future is being done by a committee which represents several of the general agencies of the UMC (GBPHB, GCORR, GCCUIC, GCUMM and others with staff support and oversight carried by GCOM.) The transformational directions are:

Center on Christian Formation
Call Forth Covenant Leadership
Empower the Connection for Ministry
Strengthen Our Global Connection and Ecumenical Relationships
Encourage Doctrinal and Theological Discourse

To submit a question for the Forums on the Future, prior to the event itself, please e-mail them to [email protected]. You may also use this e-mail address to sign up for the list-serve to begin the conversation.